The Figura Belted Kingfisher
About the Belted Kingfisher
The Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is a Missouri native, uncommon in the north and a rare summer resident in the south. Belted kingfishers are about 13 inches long, with a large head, short tail, and a stocky, top-heavy build. They have a shaggy crest, a long, sharp bill, and a white spot in front of each eye. Females have a rust-colored band across their chest. Belted kingfishers live in rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes. They nest in burrows along vertical stream banks or pond edges, which are usually near good fishing areas. Belted kingfishers are visual predators that hover or perch over water, then dive in to catch fish. They also eat crayfish, frogs, and other small prey.